Sefton Council’s Consultation and Engagement Hub

Welcome to Your Sefton Your Say where you can find and take part in consultation and engagement activities run by Sefton Council.



Have your say on local issues that matter to you and improve the lives of those who live, work, and visit the area.

Browse all open consultation and engagement activity on this page. Find out more about past activities and what we have done as a result of your feedback.

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Here are our current open activities
Children and Young People Plan - Public Survey

Children and Young People Plan - Public Survey

Survey closes on Friday 10th May.

Crosby Interim Coastal Defences

Crosby Interim Coastal Defences

Crosby Interim Coastal Defences aims to protect the coastline from being lost where a path and pipeline are at high risk of being lost. The area north of Crosby Coastguard Station is being washed away because of large waves and storms moving sand and rubble away from the area. Normally in this area, we generally see loses between 0.5m to 1m per year, but in winter 2013/14 13m was lost. There are no properties at risk of being washed away, but the pathway that is part of the King Charles...

We asked, you said, we did

Read about some of the things we have been consulting on and how we have used your feedback

Extra Care Housing Allocations Policy Consultation


We asked for your views on our Extra Care Housing Allocations Policy. 

Maritime Corridor Improvements - PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT.


We asked for your views on our plans for improving transport links on the Maritime Corridor, which reaches from Switch Island to Netherton Way (A5038), including Ormskirk Road (A59) and Dunningsbridge Road (A5036)

Southport Eastern Access Improvement Scheme - PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT


We asked you for your views on the Southport Eastern Access improvement scheme, which is an area is on the eastern approach to Southport Town Centre and is recognised as having a mixture of light industrial, retail, and residential uses.

Recently closed activities

Woodvale Junction Walking and Cycling Improvements

Woodvale Junction Walking and Cycling Improvements

Sefton Council have plans to improve the Woodvale junction. This is the area where the Coastal Road / Liverpool Road / Moor Lane and the Formby Bypass (A565) meet. This junction forms part of the A565 Formby Bypass route for those walking, cycling, and driving through the wider area. The Council want to make the roads and paths better for everyone and help connect the north to the south of the Borough of Sefton. The aim of these improvements is to help connect...

Helping people to walk / get around Birkdale Village (Weld Road) - Public Engagement

Helping people to walk / get around Birkdale Village (Weld Road) - Public Engagement

The Weld Road area of Birkdale Village has been identified as having poor facilities for those walking around the area. The current traffic lights are not designed for those walking to cross and there are limited crossing points within the village. Weld Road is a key walking route to Birkdale Village. The section between York Road and Lulworth Road is in poor condition and there are no crossing facilities at the junction of Weld Road and Lulworth Road. It is...

Funded Early Years Childcare Questionnaire-Expectant Parents and babies up to one year

Funded Early Years Childcare Questionnaire-Expectant Parents and babies up to one year

We are publising this questionaire to identify the views of working parents and carers in taking up funded hours of childcare in a nursery or childminder setting. Parents and carers may choose to access all, part or none of their funded entitlement as detailed below: from April 2024, most working parents of 2-year-olds can access 15 hours per week from September 2024, most working parents of children aged 9 months up to 3-years-old can access 15 hours per week from September...

Sefton All-Age Carers Strategy Consultation

Sefton All-Age Carers Strategy Consultation

The Sefton Carers Strategy 2024-2027 will set out our commitment to unpaid carers and shows how partners in the Borough will work together to support unpaid carers of all ages in Sefton. An unpaid carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Questionnaire for Carers supporting someone living with Dementia

Questionnaire for Carers supporting someone living with Dementia

The purpose of this survey is to help us better understand the experiences and concerns of the people who care for those that live with dementia. This understanding will help us to decide what action needs to be taken - action to improve the journey through dementia for both carers and those they care for over the next three to five years in Sefton. This survey will remain open until the 16 th February 2024. Please note that at the end of this survey,...

Parent Carer Wrap Around Childcare Survey 2024

Parent Carer Wrap Around Childcare Survey 2024

This survey is to find out from parents and carers what their experiences and needs are in relation to Wrap Around Childcare for school ages children (5-11). The information will be used to inform our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment. It will also help us plan to make sure there are enough high quality childcare places at the times and in the places that families need it in Sefton in line with the Government agenda to increase the avaibility of Wrap Around Childcare Places by September...

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