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At Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust we are committed to providing the best care and services possible and are constantly looking at ways to improve what we do.

We would like to hear from you if you think we have done something well or if you have any suggestions on how we could do something differently.

Equally we want to know if you are unhappy with the service provided or you want to make a complaint.

We welcome your opinions on the care and services we provide.

How can we help?

Every comment or complaint is seen as an opportunity to review our service, so that we can make sure we are offering you what you need. If you are feeling unhappy, upset or angry please be confident that we want to get to the bottom of it to reassure you and to try and make certain that it does not happen again. We would also like to assure you that raising a concern will not affect your care in any way. We can only improve our services if we know about things that are not working as well as they should be.

Getting help 

There are several ways but in the first instance please speak to a staff member on the ward. If you are not happy with their response, you can ask to speak to someone in charge such as the ward manager, matron, consultant or directorate manager. Many problems can be resolved by talking things through.

Misunderstandings can easily happen and sometimes can just as easily be put right.

More options

If you have tried this and are still not satisfied then you can speak to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). You may wish to contact them directly if you do not feel able to speak to staff on the ward yourself.

Here to help

Our PALS team is here for you – providing confidential advice, information and support for patients, relatives and carers. PALS is available to assist with enquiries and concerns and can liaise with staff on your behalf, ensuring you receive an appropriate response.

Find more information on how the PALS team can help with a range of informal requests or concerns.

If you decide to make a complaint 

Please send your complaint to:

Chief Executive 
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
Worcestershire Royal Hospital
Charles Hastings Way

Alternatively, email details to the Complaints team on, or contact the Complaints team for advice and guidance on how to complain on 0300 123 1733.

Please include your telephone number / email address along with details of your complaint. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else then we will need to know that you have their consent for us to investigate and respond to you. Normally you should raise any complaint within twelve months of the event.

What happens after you have made a complaint?

We will send you an acknowledgement within three days and provide further information and a consent form if required. Your complaint will be investigated by the division responsible for the service that you are complaining about and they will usually try to phone you to discuss your complaint.

Our ambition is to reply within 25 working days unless we have contacted you to arrange an alternative agreed timescale.

We will provide an explanation and apologise where appropriate. We will also tell you what we are doing to try and make things better and ensure that any mistakes or issues raised by you will not happen again.


Onside Advocacy can provide independent advice and support for you throughout the complaints process. This service is free, independent and confidential.

Contact number: 01905 27525.


Onside Independent Advocacy
Williamson House
14 Charles Street

Health Service Ombudsman

If you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Contact number: 0345 0154033


The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower

Care Quality Commission

You can also let the Care Quality Commission know about any concerns that you have, although they will not investigate your complaint. You can contact them at:

Contact number: 03000 616161



CQC National Contact Centre
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Looking to provide a compliment instead? 

Leave your feedback for ways to share your experience with our teams.