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Eye Sim

Will you help us raise £201,000 to fund a vital new surgical simulator machine, an Eye Sim, which will revolutionise training for the next generation of eye surgeons across Wessex?

When the hospital first purchased a surgical simulator in 2013, it elevated training capabilities, making the Royal Bournemouth Hospital eye unit a cutting edge centre of excellence. However, recent advances in technology mean the current surgical simulator has been de-commissioned. Purchasing the next generation of this technology will ensure the Royal Bournemouth Hospital eye unit remains at the forefront of research, training and eye surgery over the next 10 years.

Surgery for common eye conditions like cataract and glaucoma can be very challenging. The Eye Sim simulates the environment of a cataract operation with all its technical complexities.

Surgeons operate in a small cube of 5x5x5mm, having to account for the natural movement of the eye. To do this, the surgeon must first learn to work through a microscope instead of directly viewing the eye and manoeuvre the surgical instruments, with each hand and each leg operating different controls at the same time. Learning these skills on a simulator before operating on patients is an important part of training as it helps to ensure patient safety.

Please look at the diagram below to discover more about why the Eye Sim will make such a difference to the eye health of ophthalmology patients at University Hospitals Dorset and across Wessex.

Along with simulating cataract surgery, the Eye Sim will also set tasks that help to improve a trainee’s surgical skills for any eye operation.

Purchasing an Eye Sim is a worthwhile investment in the future of eye surgery when you consider how many exceptional surgeons it will go on to train, and how many sight-restoring operations each of these surgeons will perform – perhaps one day even for you or a member of your family.

Please note pictures provide an illustration only and the actual equipment purchased may vary.

Donate today to help us purchase a new, state-of-the-art surgical simulator, and ensure we continue to lead the way in providing safe and effective sight saving operations.

If total funds raised are insufficient or exceed the target then they will be used to support University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity on alternative projects and appeals that are needed most.