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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust


What is Dorset NHS Liftshare?

Dorset NHS Liftshare offers NHS employees the opportunity to more easily find colleagues to share a car commute journey with.

Why Liftshare?


Save money - share the travel costs and save at least 50%. By splitting the cost of driving, on average, regular car sharers save over £1000 per year!


As our Trusts grow, it is going to be more challenging for staff to find parking space. Lift-sharing increases parking availability by reducing the number of cars commuting to site. We are also providing priority Liftshare only parking bays in our busiest car parks to make life a little easier.


The NHS represents about 5% of road traffic in the UK. Help reduce the number of cars on the roads, reducing congestion and air pollution – a major public health issue


Staff commuting is a significant cause of carbon emissions. For some staff, there are few options other than to arrive to work by car and car sharing may be the best sustainability improvement open to them.

Who is it for?

Dorset NHS Liftshare is available free of charge to the employees of the following NHS Trusts: University Hospitals Dorset NHS FT, Dorchester County Hospital NHS FT, Dorset Healthcare University NHS FT. We hope to extend this offer soon to employees from NHS Dorset and Dorset Primary Care. Only employees with a valid standard Trust parking permit can offer a lift under this scheme but any member of staff can be a passenger regardless of whether they own a vehicle and or have a Trust parking permit.

If you sign up, you don't have to share all the time. Lift sharing is flexible, you decide if and when you want to share.

For more information either browse the menu of pages or go to the Liftshare Policy Document

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