
Barnet Council, like other councils, charges customers for a range of adult social care services in accordance with statutory requirements and local charging policies.

Whilst most of the income due is paid on time, the council has a duty to ensure that all revenue owed to the council is collected promptly and effectively as the council has a duty of care to all taxpayers.

At present the council does not have an overarching policy framework for the management and recovery of adult social care debt.

The Adult Social Care Charges: Debt Recovery and Management Policy sets out best practices and includes guidance to ensure that Barnet Council has a transparent, consistent, and proportionate approach to recovery of monies owed to the council. Taking into consideration the vulnerability of the customers and not causing any undue hardship because of any recovery actions.

The policy sets out how adults social care debt will be pursued, ensuring staff and customers are clear how Barnet Council take a fair and firm approach to the recovery of the monies owed to the council for the provisions of adult’s social care debt services.

For more information on our detailed plans, please take the time to read our consultation document and then complete this short questionnaire. It should only take about 10 minutes of your time.

Thank you for your time – your participation in this important consultation is greatly appreciated.