Arolwg Pobl Ifanc (16 - 25) - Eich barn ar Frechu Covid 19 / Young People (16 - 25) Survey - Your views on the Covid 19 Vaccination


1. Eich barn ar Frechu Covid-19 / Your views on Covid-19 Vaccination
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Cyflwyniad i'r arolwg - Mae'n bwysig bod canran uchel o bobl yn cael eu brechu fel bod ein cymunedau'n cael eu gwarchod cystal ag y gallant fod. Rydym yn gwybod bod rhai cymunedau yn fwy tueddol o gael y firws nag eraill ac rydym yn awyddus i ddeall yn well unrhyw faterion a allai atal pobl rhag eich cymuned rhag cael y brechiad. Mae BIPBC yn ymgysylltu â'r gymuned i gasglu eich barn fel pobl ifanc (16 - 25) i lywio / teilwra'r broses frechu yng Ngogledd Cymru yn well. Byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech gymryd yr amser i gwblhau'r arolwg byr hwn, i wella ein dealltwriaeth ar faterion lleol a gwrando ar syniadau.

Mae'r arolwg yn wirfoddol, yn ddienw ac yn gyfrinachol. Peidiwch â rhoi unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol, er enghraifft enwau a data personol eraill, yn yr atebion testun rhad ac am ddim (oni bai eich bod am ymuno â grŵp ffocws a rhoi caniatâd trwy ychwanegu eich e-bost). Bydd eich holl wybodaeth yn cael ei chadw yn unol â Pholisi GDPR BIPBC, sydd i'w gweld yma - Polisi Preifatrwydd - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr (

Introduction to the survey - It is important that a high percentage of people are vaccinated so that our communities are protected as well as they can be.  We know that some communities are more susceptible to the virus than others and are keen to better understand any issues that may prevent people from your community taking up the vaccination.  BCUHB are engaging with the community to collect your views as young people (16 - 25) to better inform/tailor the Vaccination rollout in North Wales. We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete this short survey, to improve our understanding on local issues and listen to ideas.

The survey is voluntary, anonymous and confidential.  Please do not give any personal information, for example names and other personal data, in the free text answers (unless you wish to join a focus group and give permission by adding your email).  All your information will be kept in line with BCUHB GDPR Policy, which can be found here - Privacy Policy - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (

Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: / For further information contact:
Wrecsam a Sir Y Fflint / Wrexham and Flintshire - Sandra Anderson –
Conwy a Sir Ddinbych / Conwy and Denbighshire - Megan Vickery -
Gwynedd a Môn / 
Gwynedd and Anglesey - Karen Owen -

Er yr hoffem rywfaint o wybodaeth ger eich dealltwriaeth a barn am Frechlynnau o safbwynt iechyd cyfannol, hoffem hefyd gasglu rhywfaint o wybodaeth uniongyrchol ynghylch ag unrhyw anghenion eraill neu themâu iechyd penodol.

Although we would like some general information regarding your knowledge and views of Vaccines the from a health perspective, we would also like to gather any additional information regarding any other additional needs of specific health themes.

Atebwch y cwestiynau yn yr arolwg isod - diolch
Please answer the questions in the survey below - thank you

Ym mha ardal yng Ngogledd Cymru ydych chi'n byw? /
Which area of North Wales do you live in?


Ydych chi wedi clywed am raglen frechu Covid-19 yng Ngogledd Cymru?
Have you heard of the Covid-19 Vaccination programme in North Wales?


Ydych chi'n teimlo bod gennych chi ddigon o wybodaeth am y Brechlynnau?
Do you feel that you have enough information regarding the Vaccines?


Rwy'n teimlo bod gen i ddigon o wybodaeth i wneud penderfyniad hyddysg am gael fy mrechu...
I feel that I have enough information to make an informed decision about getting vaccinated....


Ydych chi'n gwybod sut i gael gafael ar wybodaeth am Frechu Covid-19?
Do you know how to access information about the Covid-19 Vaccination?


Ydych chi'n deallt y gwahaniaeth rhwng y Brechiadau sy'n cael eu cynnig?
Do you understand the difference between the Vaccinations being offered?


Mae fy mhenderfyniad i gael brechiad yn cael ei ddylanwadu gan ffrindiau a theulu...
My decision to get vaccinated is influenced by friends and family...


Mae'r Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol yn dylanwadu ar fy mhenderfyniad i gael eich brechu...
My decision to get Vaccinated is influenced by Social Media...


Mae fy mhenderfyniad i gael Brechu yn cael ei ddylanwadu gan fy ethnigrwydd...
My decision to get Vaccinated is influenced by my ethnicity...


Rydych chi'n debygol o gael y Brechiad Covid-19?
Are you likely to get the Covid-19 Vaccination?


Rydych chi'n poeni am sgîl-effeithiau'r Brechlyn?
Are you concerned about the Vaccine side effects?


Ydych chi'n ofni Brechiadau?
Are you afraid of Vaccinations?


Ydych chi'n ofni nodwyddau?
Are you afraid of needles?


Ydych chi'n gwybod ble y gallwch chi dderbyn eich Brechlyn?
Do you know where you can receive your Vaccine?


Ydych chi wedi cofrestru gydag unrhyw wasanaethau iechyd lleol?
Are you registered with any local health services?


Ydych chi wedi derbyn eich Brechlyn Covid?
Have you received your Covid Vaccine?


Mae yna fwy o resymau dros gael y brechlyn na pheidio â'i gael...
There are more reasons to have the vaccine than not to have it...


Rwy'n teimlo bod gen i gyfrifoldeb i gael y Brechiad i amddiffyn eraill...
I feel that I have a responsibility to have the Vaccination to protection others...


Mae pobl nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu Brechu yn peryglu eraill...
People who don't get Vaccinated are putting others at risk...


Brechu yw'r peth iawn i'w wneud...
Vaccination is the right thing to do...


Beth yw'r materion iechyd pwysicaf i chi ar hyn o bryd?
What are the most important health issues for you at the momement?


Ble fyddech chi'n mynd am unrhyw wybodaeth ynglŷn â chymorth Iechyd?
Where would you go for any information regarding Health support?


Ychwanegwch unrhyw sylwadau neu adborth ychwanegol yr hoffech eu rhannu - diolch
Please add any additional comments or feedback you would like to share - thank you


Rydym hefyd yn awyddus i gynnal rhai trafodaethau grŵp ffocws ynghylch y Brechlyn a hefyd bynciau iechyd eraill - a fyddai gennych ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan?
We are also keen to undertake some focus group discussions around the Vaccine and also other health topics - would you be interested in taking part?


Beth fyddai'ch hoff ddull o gyfathrebu / derbyn gwybodaeth?
What would be your preferred method of communication / receiving information?