
Before completing a bursary application, please ensure you have the following ready:


  • Your chosen course booking and payment completed (a list of courses can be found here

  • A British Cycling Membership, noting you will require your membership number to complete the form. (Please email for any queries related to your membership)

  • If applying as part of a club or group, you will require a contact name and email address from a key role holder from your club or group (any of: Club Secretary, Club Chair, Treasurer, Go-Ride Contact or Group Creator)

  • If you are working regularly with u18s, please ensure you have a current British Cycling DBS and British Cycling Safeguarding Awareness training in place. Or are prepared to complete both before the bursary is awarded. 
  • To understand if you do need to complete a DBS, and to then make a start on your application please complete our initial screening survey here

  • Safeguarding Awareness information can be found here.

  • All personal information collected is to allow British Cycling to better understand the coaching workforce and inform future offers.