Police Federation

Axon Body 3 (AB3) Body Worn Video (BWV) Camera Trial - Participant Information

This survey is being conducted by the Police Federation of England and Wales (“the PFEW”) on behalf of Police & Business Change Lead, Mr Ellis, to better understand your views and experiences regarding body worn video (BWV) cameras.

The only potentially identifying information that we (the PFEW) ask for as part of the project is your BWV camera’s serial number, and we request that you do not share any other identifying information within the responses you provide. To protect your anonymity, only the MPS will hold information regarding which BWV cameras are issued to which officers, and PFEW will not share any raw data with the MPS. BWV camera serial numbers will only be used to link your answers from the four surveys included in this trial together. 

Data will be analysed and reported anonymously and will only be used for the purposes outlined above. The PFEW is the designated data controller and data processor for this project and access to the dataset will be restricted to PFEW staff.

We collect and process the data you provide within this survey only with your explicit consent; this is the PFEW’s legal basis for processing these data. You will be asked to provide your consent at the bottom of the first page of the survey. You have a right to withdraw your consent. Should you wish to withdraw either during or after completing the survey, we will make every attempt to facilitate this. Please contact the lead researcher using the contact details below.

We will retain the data you provide for a period of one year. After a year the information you have provided will be securely deleted, however we may continue to retain and report the results of the survey at an aggregate level.

As an individual you have legal rights concerning how the personal information you provide is processed. Prior to the 25th May 2018, your rights are protected under the Data Protection Act 1998. From the 25th May 2018 your rights are protected under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations. The PFEW will process the personal information you provide in accordance with these regulations. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office if you have concerns about how the PFEW is processing your personal information.

If you have any questions, or want to request to withdraw from the survey, please contact the lead researcher on this project Mary Elliott-Davies (01372 352105; Mary.Elliott-Davies@polfed.org)

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