We are still faced with the reality of the ongoing war in Ukraine and its devastating impact on the lives of innocent people. As Christians, it is our duty to offer love and support to those in need, and the UK government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme provides an opportunity to do just that. After a year of war, there are still many people who would like to come to the UK and need our help. St John Of God (SJOG) Homes for Ukraine is an official provider of this government scheme and will be offering guidance about hosting and their support at an online event in partnership with Caritas Diocese of Plymouth on 22 March 2023.

SJOG offer a matching, training and support pathway for guests from Ukraine and hosts in the UK willing to provide much-needed support. SJOG provide online training for hosts and guests, transfer from the Polish-Ukrainian border, a welcome box for Ukrainian guests upon arrival, and a multilingual team to support the needs of both hosts and guests, and resources for both hosts and guests to help navigate the process.

By becoming a host through the SJOG Homes for Ukraine scheme, you have the opportunity to form a meaningful connection with your Ukrainian guest and learn about their culture and experiences. You will also be able to make a real impact on their lives during a time of great need and show the love of Christ to those who need it most.

To access Zoom details for the event please register to join us on Wednesday 22 March 2023 at 6pm https://forms.office.com/e/adH56azgaq