Advice on organising a street party

Organising small, private street parties and fetes is very simple and generally does not include activities that need a licence, such as selling alcohol or providing certain types of entertainment.

Who can attend a street party?

  • For residents and neighbours only
  • Publicity only to residents

Notices and licences

  • Licences are not normally required if music is incidental and no selling is involved
  • No formal risk assessment needed

If you want to have a pay bar or intend to provide entertainment to the wider public, or charge to raise money for your event, you will need a Temporary Event Notice.

Similarly, larger public events attracting more people will require a different process. If you would like to hold a larger public event, contact our events team,

Advice on holding a street party or fete

The number one tip for holding a party is to plan early, think about what you want to achieve and get in touch at least four to six weeks in advance.

View further tips, advice and support for organising a street party.

What happens next?

Once you submit your completed application form, we will look at what you are proposing before contacting you to let you know if your application has been successful, or if there is anything else you need to consider.