British Canoeing transitions to Paddle UK, marking a new era in our beloved sport. This rebranding isn’t just about a new name; it’s about embracing the spirit of paddling that connects us all. Here at  Kingston Kayak Club, we have a number of new members and we encourage you to…

After refining the initial proof of concept, we’re excited to present a more sustainable and purpose-built solution for scheduling Monday Night volunteer opportunities. Utilising SignUp, we’ve streamlined the process for our volunteers.Here’s how it works in 3 simple steps:    1.    Click on this link to access our SignUp page:  …

It was wonderful to observe the large indoor pool at Albert Avenue teeming with kayaks once more. Thanks to all the new participants, both the younger and those slightly more mature. The youngsters demonstrated exceptional skill, successfully completing their capsize drills with spraydecks on. We acknowledge that this can be…

  Our official 1st Club session on the new Lido – Not So Frosty Fingers 2023 – With it being heated to 10 degrees C throughout the winter, our Frosty Fingers Paddle was not so frosty.       It was absolutely fantastic to see everyone on the water and…