Supplementary planning documents and guidance

Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) provide supporting advice and guidance to support policies contained in a Local Plan. SPDs are not part of the statutory development plan, but are important in providing additional guidance for development plan policies. They can be site specific or thematic.

East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD

The partner authorities of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) consulted on the East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD.

The aim of the document is to provide guidance for a developer producing a masterplan for the site, which is located to the east of Harlow and is allocated in the Harlow Local Plan and Epping Forest Local Plan for a combined total of 3,350 new homes. 

The draft document contains 12 chapters with detailed guidance on topics such as green infrastructure and landscape, connectivity and sustainable movement, layout of schools and local centres and vehicle access.

Thank you to those who participated. We will consider all the responses and produce a revised SPD which will be adopted by both Harlow and Epping Forest District Councils. If you took part, you will be notified by email when responses and officer comments are published and when the revised SPD is adopted. The draft SPD is still available to view on the HGGT website.

Adopted SPDs

Staple Tye SPD (adopted December 2022)

Town Centre Masterplan Framework SPD (adopted March 2022)

Affordable and Specialist Housing SPD (adopted October 2021, addendum added December 2022)

Green Infrastructure and Public Open Space SPD (adopted March 2022)

Health Impact Assessment SPD (adopted January 2024)

Harlow Design Guide SPD

The Harlow Design Guide SPD was adopted in October 2011. In December 2021, the Harlow Design Guide Addendum SPD was adopted. The addendum contains additional design guidance on a range of subject matters which have been addressed in recently-updated national planning policy and guidance. Both SPDs should be read together.

In 2022, we will produce a completely new Design Guide which will supersede these Design Guide SPDs. More information will be available on this page when this has been drafted.

The Stow Neighbourhood Centre Design Framework SPD (adopted July 2016)

Applicants need to consult with Essex County Council Highways on all highways matters.

You should also read the services and access chapter of the Essex Design Guide, which provides detailed highways design guidance, in addition to current best practice guidance, including a manual for streets 1 and 2.

Development briefs

Wych Elm development brief (adopted December 2022)

Town Centre North development

Guidance documents

The council and Harlow and Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) have also produced several guidance documents which support policies in the Local Plan and the determination of planning applications. The guidance documents are not part of the statutory development plan but are important in providing additional guidance for development plan policies.

Employment and skills contributions in new development (March 2021) (pdf) - this sets out Harlow Council’s approach to delivering employment and skills opportunities from planning applications. This will be delivered in respect of obligations or contributions for employment, skills and training, opportunities and apprenticeships or work experience schemes.

Use class order and town centre frontages (April 2021) (pdf) - this explains how policies in the Local Plan that refer to specific use classes should be applied in light of changes to the use class order. It also outlines the primary and secondary retail frontages for Harlow town centre as set out on a GIS Map.

HGGT guidance documents

The following documents can be found on the HGGT website:

  • Vision and Design Guide
  • HGGT Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  • How to Guide for Planning Obligations and Viability
  • Sustainability Guidance and Checklist