Dentist laughing with patient
  • Registration

    We protect patients by ensuring all dental professionals are registered before they work in the UK. You can manage your registration or find information about the registration process here.

Dentist smiling

Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) 

The ORE is an examination that overseas qualified dentists have to pass in order to register with the GDC. Registration allows dentists to practise unsupervised in the UK.

The ORE has two parts and tests the clinical skills and knowledge of dentists whose qualifications are not recognised in the UK. Candidates are expected to meet or exceed the standard of a ‘just passed’ UK BDS graduate.

Dentist with tools

How to join the register

Find out how to apply for registration, whether your qualifications need to be individually assessed, and if you need to pass the overseas registration exam before you can register.

Dentist with tools

Annual renewal and fees

You have to pay a fee to register with us and an annual fee to remain on our register. Here we explain the fees and how to complete the Annual Renewal process.