Research briefing: Supporting an ‘Inclusive recovery’

Research briefing: Supporting an ‘Inclusive recovery’

Activity Alliance & BritainThinks share findings from disabled people and providers on how the activity sector can recover and reinvent

By Thinks Insight & Strategy

Date and time

Thu, 10 Nov 2022 03:00 - 04:00 PST



About this event

The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on sport and physical activity, impacting both organisations and the behaviours of individuals. As the sector looks to reinvent and recover, it is critical to pay specific focus to the needs of disabled people. Activity Alliance’s Annual Disability and Activity Survey 2021-223 showed that disabled are now being left out of the return to activity, and that the pandemic has had an ongoing effect on health and confidence, as well as on support networks.

Activity Alliance and BritainThinks have worked in partnership to explore these pressing issues, speaking with disabled participants across a wide range of activity levels and providers and deliverers of organised activity. In this webinar, they will share the findings from this project, outlining next steps for the sector.

Please note that this event will be live captioned. We are also happy to accommodate any further communication and accessibility needs. Please indicate any requirements you have in the registration form.

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