Improving wheelchair services

NHS England support integrated care boards (ICBs) to commission effective, efficient and personalised wheelchair services through the following developments:

Work is underway to evaluate person centred outcome measures within the personal wheelchair budget pathway and we anticipate the findings to be available later in 2023. Person centred outcome measures are accessible and free to use via the Bangor University website.

Wheelchairs provide a significant gateway to independence, wellbeing and quality of life for thousands of adults and children. They play a substantial role in facilitating social inclusion and improving life chances through work, education and activities that many people who do not need wheelchairs take for granted.

For people with complex, long term conditions, being able to access the right wheelchair, quickly, and with appropriate support, is of paramount importance.

NHS England aims to support ICBs in improving wheelchair services through three specific pieces of work.

Working in partnership

NHS England is working alongside a number of groups and organisations on the programme to transform wheelchair services.

NHS England works alongside a national advisory group to co-produce wheelchair policy this includes representation of a wide range of stakeholders from providers, commissioners, industry, charities and people with lived experience.

Contacts and further information

For more information about any of the ways in which NHS England is engaging with and supporting commissioners of wheelchair services please contact

The national Wheelchair Leadership Alliance is a group committed to improving wheelchair services across England. Representing wheelchair users, their families, carers and other organisations, the Alliance is working to strengthen connections between key partners in order to bring about positive, lasting change and shape NHS wheelchair services into a system that works better for its users.