Published on: 27 January 2023

The Chair of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Selina Ullah, has won a national award for her pioneering work within the NHS.

Selina, who joined the Trust in 2021 was named the joint winner of the South Asian NHS Pioneer Award at the Asian Professionals National Alliance (APNA) NHS Awards.

APNA is a network for senior South Asian leaders to come together to share ideas and support one another. The award recognises South Asian leaders who act as trailblazers in breaking through the glass ceiling and visibly making a difference as BME leaders.

Selina said: “It is fantastic to have an award in place which highlights the work of people from the South Asian community.

“The importance of promoting diversity and inclusivity across health care is paramount. We should continue to create working environments that champion people from all walks of life without hesitation.

“It goes without saying that this is a very special award to me and I intend to use my platform to promote a positive culture across healthcare.”

APNA established their awards to acknowledge the talent of those role models and leaders who continue to make a lasting impression in the NHS. Those who were nominated have all paved the way for improvements in patient care, working environments for staff and for their successors.

Selina is one of the first Muslim female NHS Trust chairs in the country and has continued to represent her community as Director of the Muslim Women’s Council for 10 years. She is also a Lay Board Member at the General Pharmaceutical Council. Prior to joining Derbyshire Healthcare, Selina worked as Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.  

Through her lived experience, she acknowledges the impact of being a minority BME leader to help embed key values such as compassionate, impactful and inclusive leadership strategies that are long lasting and representative for all. She has supported the development of having a diverse board and strives for a more inclusive workforce.

Congratulations also to Derbyshire Healthcare’s former Chief Executive, Ifti Majid, for his acknowledgement as a South Asian NHS Pioneer. Ifti is currently Chief Executive at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust where he continues to use his lived experience as a minority BME leader to make a positive impact on the NHS.