Future jobs in the north-east of England

19th August 2022 by CareerWave

In the north-east, these are the sectors expected to grow and provide new opportunities for our young people:

  • Digital
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Health and Life Science
  • Energy

We all have a massive role to play in making sure we have a talent pipeline of young people with the skills to thrive in these areas.

Of course, there are many other sectors which also provide great opportunities for our young people. For example all of the growth sectors above need essential business services such as finance, administration and sales & marketing. Other sectors although much smaller and possibly in decline overall, still need new people to replace existing staff approaching retirement.

The North East Local Enterprise Partnership has created a brilliant toolkit which informs us about the labour market in the north-east. It is found here.

Below we have highlighted a few of the key links found in the toolkit:

Our Region, Your Future: sector information (a young person’s guide to future jobs in the region)

Our Region, Your Future: video (a fantastic video about opportunities in the north-east)

Our Region, Your Future: classroom resources (high quality, interactive lessons about the north-east economy)

Our Economy 2021 (key reports and data about our economy including the impact of COVID-19)