

A great EYEdea

Residents across north east London will have access to more ophthalmology services, and more quickly, thanks to an innovative service that launched last week.

One key benefit of the service is the waits our patients face will be significantly reduced as appointments will be for a scan or test only removing the need to see a doctor on the day.

With a doctor reviewing the results remotely, a clinical decision is then made and a letter with the outcome is sent to the patients and their GP.

It all happens in our new Community Diagnostic Eye Centre at Barking Community Hospital and will help see more than 8,000 extra patients a year once fully rolled out.

Trust Clinical Lead for Ophthalmology Ayman Khaier said: "Our hub is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostics and will allow us to reduce waiting times for diagnostics from two and a half hours, to approximately 40 minutes.

“This is a landmark addition to our existing ophthalmology department and to the services we provide to local patients.”

It’s part of our partnership working with Moorfield Eye Hospital and will mean more patients can be seen each day without needing to go to an acute hospital.

Whilst ophthalmology diagnostics will continue to run at Queen’s Hospital and King George Hospital, this project will help reduce the pressure services at these sites are currently facing.

The new centre is part of BCH’s new Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) that is due to open on-site early next year.

Barking and Dagenham Councillor Maureen Worby said: “It’s great that our local residents now have these services in their local community to avoid them travelling to King George Hospital or Queen’s for scans and tests.

“In spring 2024, the Community Diagnostic Centre at the back of the hospital will open and this will be yet another exciting and important step for the area.”

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