
Creative Communities

Creative Communities logo

Creative Communities is a Barnet Council initiative, led by the Library Service to deliver a programme of events, activities and experiences for local residents in Barnet. The programme started in 2022 in the Colindale area and has been rolled out across Barnet. A wide range of exciting events are being planned and delivered for children, teens and adults. 

For updates on Creative Communities and information about events and activities across Barnet Libraries sign up to receive our regular newsletter for adults and newsletter for children and families

Forthcoming events

Our programme is now open for booking. There's something for everyone! 

Explore the programme 

Regular activities in Barnet Libraries

Regular events and activities such as Rhyme Times, Reading Groups, Lego Clubs and Conversation Cafes take place in all libraries. Please check our events directory to find out what's happening at your local library.