Helping you to live well and feel great

Start making positive changes today using one of our free personalised wellness programmes. 

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How can we help you?

Thriving Nottingham Health and Well being programme
Family wellbeing and fitness support in nottingham city

Our programmes

Stop smoking

Go smoke free with the help of free stop smoking aids like e-cigarettes, interactive videos, online articles, tips and guides plus regular support from fully trained stop smoking mentors who know what it’s like to quit.

Lose weight

Try a fresh, new way to long term weight loss using gloji’s digital weight loss programme. Play football with the UK’s leading men’s weight loss programme, MAN v FAT. Seek group support with Slimming World. Or help your kids lose weight and change your family’s health for the better by joining our supportive children and family programme.

Better health and wellbeing

Get 1-to-1 personalised health guidance with a health coach to boost your physical and emotional wellbeing. We’re here to help you build confidence with beginner support whether you have multiple goals, additional needs or just don’t know where to begin.

Move more

If you’re looking for free exercise support and wondering how to get fit, why not improve your mobility and socialise more with our friendly group exercise sessions. We’re planning fitness classes near you that you’ll love.

Funded by

Free health and
wellbeing support  

Thanks to Nottingham City Council, get free access to expert weight loss, stop smoking and exercise programmes and more. To make sure we’re helping those who need it most, there are some eligibility criteria. 

Can I join?

We hope so! We have a wide variety of health and wellbeing programmes and eligibility for each is slightly different, but you’ll need to live or be registered with a GP in the city of Nottingham.

Don’t worry, we have a simple way of finding out if we’re a good fit.  We’ll guide you step-by-step to match you to the perfect programme for you.

See your health as a whole






A little extra help

Our experts share advice, top tips and guides to help you get ahead and reach your goals so you can thrive.

5 tips to eat well for less

A well-balanced, tasty and nutritious diet doesn’t have to cost a fortune. If we’re savvy with planning, there’s lots of ways to cut costs. 

Sleep and exercise: a dynamic duo

We’re often motivated to exercise by the benefits we stand to gain, including weight loss and improved fitness…

Changing your tastes for better health and wellbeing

When it comes to improving our health and wellbeing, we often make adjustments to our food and drink…

Loud and proud 

We love sharing stories from those we’ve helped, and you can join them too if you sign up today! 

Stop struggling and start thriving by answering a few quick questions today.