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Home Improvement - Winter Well

Home Improvement - Winter Well

Our homes are important to us. They provide shelter, safety, and comfort. That's why it's so important to deal with home and housing issues as and when they arise. We are all at different stages in our lives which means we are all faced with our own unique challenges.


You or someone you know may find themselves in the unfortunate situation of being homeless. With the shorter days, longer dark nights and cold weather setting in, it is important to know where to turn. There are some services listed below that may be able to help. You could also identify alternative options listed within the Home, Housing & Money section of The Bury Directory.


There are times when those of us who are fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads may be faced with home related issues and may need some support or somewhere to turn to for advice. On this page you will find services who can provide assistance in relation to various issues.


Alternatively, you can click the button below to see some useful information and handy tips for home improvements and energy efficiency in the home.


The most important thing is to find an approach that works for us and our situation. There's no one-size-fits-all solution to these problems. With a little bit of effort, we can make sure that our homes are safe, comfortable, and stylish places that we can be proud of.

The importance of Home Improvements & Energy Efficiency Information & advice to help make your home safe, comfortable and efficient...

Assists with resources to insulate/heat homes

Warmer Homes

Low income, fuel poverty

Offers advice on reducing energy bills, saving energy & fuel poverty

Energy Efficiency

Low income, fuel poverty

Assisting with repairs ensuring standards are maintained for private tenants

Private Housing Disrepair

Private tenants & residents

Offer information and advice re access and facilities for buildings

Building Control (Bury Council)

Disabled people

Single point of access for housing related support

Central Access Point

Available to all.

SUPpORT For people with mental health problems, substance misuse and offending history

Adullum – Bury Bridges


Individual support for Six Town Housing tenants incuding landlord services offered, rent enquiries, anti-social behaviour, repairs, neighbourhood enquiries, support needs and adaptation services for older and disabled tenants.

Six Town Housing


Provides advice on specialist equipment needed for home and application process

Older People Staying Well Team

Disabled people, older people, chronic medical conditions, frail recurrent falls, low mobility

Signpost to recommended services

Age UK

Older people

Offers support for adult carers in Bury

N-compass (Bury Carers Hub)

All adult carers aged 18+

Offers support for young carers in Bury

Bury Young Carers

All carers aged 7 to 18

Free home energy check by Handyperson who will come into your home and make relevant checks

Home Energy Checks

Older people & over 65, fuel poverty

Winter Fuel Payments

more than one million families claiming tax credits to receive the second

Cost of Living Payment from 23rd November

More than one million claimant families receiving tax credits, and no other means-tested benefits, will get their second Cost of Living Payment from Wednesday 23 November 2022, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has confirmed.

This £324 government payment will be paid automatically into most eligible tax credit-only customers’ bank accounts between 23 and 30 November 2022 across the United Kingdom.

That feature is only available to logged in users.

Please login to your account or register for an account if you don't already have one.