Useful documents

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On this page you’ll find a range of useful documents that form the ‘evidence base’ behind the Submission Version Plan for the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community. A full and comprehensive set of documents, including the most up to date evidence and all Examination documents can be viewed within the Examination Library.

Submission Version Plan (Regulation 19) Evidence Base: Published February 2023 (with updates May 2023)

Document / StudyOverviewDownloads
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Strategic Masterplan

An evolution of the masterplanning work done for the Draft Plan, which sets out an overall Strategic Masterplan and frameworks for each of the main themes in the Submission Version Plan. This has been prepared to illustrate, justify and set the basis for land use proposals, drawing on the wider evidence base and consultation on the Draft Plan.

Click to download

Crockleford Heath Area of Special Character Assessment

A study to consider the Crockleford Heath area in more detail including as assessment of the local landscape and its historic and built environment context.

Click to download

Viewpoint Wireline TestingA study which has considered views of the Garden Community from a number of locations to illustrate and enable consideration of visual impact of the proposalsClick to download
Economic and Employment StudyA final version of the 'Economic and Employment Study' which updates and extends upon previous work done for the Draft Plan. This sets out the evidence, analysis and recommendations which has informed the drafting of Submission Version Plan. A separate appendix contains information on the Colchester commercial property market.Click to download
Review of University land RequirementsAn independent study that has considered the growth ask and potential land requirements related to the University of Essex, in response to the University's representations on the Draft Plan.Click to download
Transport Evidence

This work considers a variety of aspects relating to the local and strategic transport and movement network. The work is presented in 2 parts:

  • Part 1 of the work considers the approach to modal shift and promoting sustainable movement.
  • Part 2 of this work has established the scope and scale of all transport related infrastructure requirements.

Click to download

Health Topic PaperA Topic Paper which provides a summary of health and wellbeing issues in relation to the Garden Community.Click to download
Open Space, Playing Pitch, Sport & Recreation StudyA study on indoor sport, playing pitch and open space provision which considers the two Council areas individually and collectively, with a particular focus on the sport and open space needs related to the Garden Community.Click to download
Infrastructure Delivery,
Phasing and Funding Plan
This study draws all the information together on the range of infrastructure requirements needed to support future development and growth relating to the Garden Community. It includes commentary on infrastructure phasing, funding and responsibilities for deliveryClick to download
Financial Viability Assessment UpdateThe viability assessment relates in part to previous viability work undertaken as part of the evidence base for Section 1, updated to reflect current day costs and values, and amended to align with the outcomes of the Strategic Masterplan and other topic based evidence gathering.Click to download
Sustainability AppraisalA Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) has been prepared to consider the likely effects of the Draft Plan and reasonable alternatives.Click to download:
Habitats Regulations Assessment (including Appropriate Assessment)A Habitats Regulations Assessment (including Appropriate Assessment) has been prepared to comply with Regulation 63 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended).Click to download
Integrated Water Management Study (Phase 2)This report covers Phase 2 of the IWMS which aims to identify and determine specific water management measures to minimise water demands and provide integrated water management solutions for surface water and flood risk for the TCB Garden Community.Click to download
Interim Consultation Statement
In accordance with Regulation 22(c) of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, a Consultation Statement must be submitted with a Local Plan. This is the Interim Draft Consultation Statement which will accompany the submission documents for examination. The Report will be updated and finallised following the Regulation 19 Consultation.
Click to download

The following documents were prepared for the Draft Plan consultation (Regulation 18 stage).

Draft Plan (Regulation 18) Evidence Base (Published February 2022)

Document / StudyOverviewDownloads
Engagement Reports

Reports that set out a summary of all engagement activity undertaken, prior to the preparation of the Draft Plan, between February 2021 and October 2021. Two reports are available:

  • A report which looks at the feedback received via the various digital and non-digital engagement activities led by the Councils.
  • A report produced by consultants relating to engagement activity that inputted to evolving the vision and spatial land use options.

Click to download:

Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Masterplan

This work presents a vision and preliminary masterplan options for the Garden Community and comprises of three main pieces of work:

  • A ‘Baseline Report’ which provides an analysis of key issues, opportunities and constraints influencing the site.
  • A ‘Strategic Vision’ which sets out a vision and a set of strategic development principles and objectives.
  • A report on ‘Spatial Options’ which considers and develops a set of potential masterplan options for the Garden Community.

Click to download:

Transport and Movement Framework

This work considers a variety of aspects relating to the local and strategic transport and movement network. The work is presented in 2 parts:

  • Part 1 brings together a baseline appraisal of transport and movement and considers a range of good and best practice from the UK and abroad.
  • Part 2 develops a vision for transport and movement, and a set of principles and policies to promote more sustainable movement patterns.

Click to download:

Economic and Employment StudyAn assessment of the potential economic growth and job creation that could be achieved through the Garden Community and the opportunities to maximise the opportunities for local people and the wider region. The study includes an analysis and options for the location, format and potential end-users of employment uses envisaged as part of the development.(final version available to download above)
Heritage Impact AssessmentThis assesses the existence and significance of heritage assets and considers the impact of the development on the historic environment.Click to download
Preliminary Archaeological Assessment

A preliminary assessment of the archaeological potential of land within Colchester Borough pertinent to this scheme. Also included is advice on the likely level of archaeological information that will be required to support a Cultural Heritage chapter for the Environmental Impact Assessment.

Click to download
Sustainability AppraisalA Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) has been prepared to consider the likely effects of the Draft Plan and reasonable alternatives.Final version of Sustainability Appraisal available above.
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening ReportPrepared to comply with Regulation 63 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended). The assessment considers whether a plan or project will lead to adverse effects on the integrity of European/habitats sites. The work will include a wintering bird survey which at the present time is ongoing and therefore not as yet fully completed.Click to download
Environmental Audit SurveyThis work provides a review of the existing landscape and ecology within the broad location of the Garden Community. A similar piece of work was carried out in 2015 and this latest study is an update to capture any relevant changes.
Note that further work is to be undertaken in relation to 'biodiversity net gain' and will be published in due course.
Click to download:
Low / Zero Carbon & Smart Energy AppraisalA study that considers how best to incorporate Low / Zero Carbon technologies as part of the approach to the site in a way that could maximise efficiency and reduce carbon.Click to download

On this page you’ll find a range of useful documents that form the ‘evidence base’ behind the Submission Version Plan for the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community. A full and comprehensive set of documents, including the most up to date evidence and all Examination documents can be viewed within the Examination Library.

Submission Version Plan (Regulation 19) Evidence Base: Published February 2023 (with updates May 2023)

Document / StudyOverviewDownloads
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Strategic Masterplan

An evolution of the masterplanning work done for the Draft Plan, which sets out an overall Strategic Masterplan and frameworks for each of the main themes in the Submission Version Plan. This has been prepared to illustrate, justify and set the basis for land use proposals, drawing on the wider evidence base and consultation on the Draft Plan.

Click to download

Crockleford Heath Area of Special Character Assessment

A study to consider the Crockleford Heath area in more detail including as assessment of the local landscape and its historic and built environment context.

Click to download

Viewpoint Wireline TestingA study which has considered views of the Garden Community from a number of locations to illustrate and enable consideration of visual impact of the proposalsClick to download
Economic and Employment StudyA final version of the 'Economic and Employment Study' which updates and extends upon previous work done for the Draft Plan. This sets out the evidence, analysis and recommendations which has informed the drafting of Submission Version Plan. A separate appendix contains information on the Colchester commercial property market.Click to download
Review of University land RequirementsAn independent study that has considered the growth ask and potential land requirements related to the University of Essex, in response to the University's representations on the Draft Plan.Click to download
Transport Evidence

This work considers a variety of aspects relating to the local and strategic transport and movement network. The work is presented in 2 parts:

  • Part 1 of the work considers the approach to modal shift and promoting sustainable movement.
  • Part 2 of this work has established the scope and scale of all transport related infrastructure requirements.

Click to download

Health Topic PaperA Topic Paper which provides a summary of health and wellbeing issues in relation to the Garden Community.Click to download
Open Space, Playing Pitch, Sport & Recreation StudyA study on indoor sport, playing pitch and open space provision which considers the two Council areas individually and collectively, with a particular focus on the sport and open space needs related to the Garden Community.Click to download
Infrastructure Delivery,
Phasing and Funding Plan
This study draws all the information together on the range of infrastructure requirements needed to support future development and growth relating to the Garden Community. It includes commentary on infrastructure phasing, funding and responsibilities for deliveryClick to download
Financial Viability Assessment UpdateThe viability assessment relates in part to previous viability work undertaken as part of the evidence base for Section 1, updated to reflect current day costs and values, and amended to align with the outcomes of the Strategic Masterplan and other topic based evidence gathering.Click to download
Sustainability AppraisalA Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) has been prepared to consider the likely effects of the Draft Plan and reasonable alternatives.Click to download:
Habitats Regulations Assessment (including Appropriate Assessment)A Habitats Regulations Assessment (including Appropriate Assessment) has been prepared to comply with Regulation 63 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended).Click to download
Integrated Water Management Study (Phase 2)This report covers Phase 2 of the IWMS which aims to identify and determine specific water management measures to minimise water demands and provide integrated water management solutions for surface water and flood risk for the TCB Garden Community.Click to download
Interim Consultation Statement
In accordance with Regulation 22(c) of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, a Consultation Statement must be submitted with a Local Plan. This is the Interim Draft Consultation Statement which will accompany the submission documents for examination. The Report will be updated and finallised following the Regulation 19 Consultation.
Click to download

The following documents were prepared for the Draft Plan consultation (Regulation 18 stage).

Draft Plan (Regulation 18) Evidence Base (Published February 2022)

Document / StudyOverviewDownloads
Engagement Reports

Reports that set out a summary of all engagement activity undertaken, prior to the preparation of the Draft Plan, between February 2021 and October 2021. Two reports are available:

  • A report which looks at the feedback received via the various digital and non-digital engagement activities led by the Councils.
  • A report produced by consultants relating to engagement activity that inputted to evolving the vision and spatial land use options.

Click to download:

Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Masterplan

This work presents a vision and preliminary masterplan options for the Garden Community and comprises of three main pieces of work:

  • A ‘Baseline Report’ which provides an analysis of key issues, opportunities and constraints influencing the site.
  • A ‘Strategic Vision’ which sets out a vision and a set of strategic development principles and objectives.
  • A report on ‘Spatial Options’ which considers and develops a set of potential masterplan options for the Garden Community.

Click to download:

Transport and Movement Framework

This work considers a variety of aspects relating to the local and strategic transport and movement network. The work is presented in 2 parts:

  • Part 1 brings together a baseline appraisal of transport and movement and considers a range of good and best practice from the UK and abroad.
  • Part 2 develops a vision for transport and movement, and a set of principles and policies to promote more sustainable movement patterns.

Click to download:

Economic and Employment StudyAn assessment of the potential economic growth and job creation that could be achieved through the Garden Community and the opportunities to maximise the opportunities for local people and the wider region. The study includes an analysis and options for the location, format and potential end-users of employment uses envisaged as part of the development.(final version available to download above)
Heritage Impact AssessmentThis assesses the existence and significance of heritage assets and considers the impact of the development on the historic environment.Click to download
Preliminary Archaeological Assessment

A preliminary assessment of the archaeological potential of land within Colchester Borough pertinent to this scheme. Also included is advice on the likely level of archaeological information that will be required to support a Cultural Heritage chapter for the Environmental Impact Assessment.

Click to download
Sustainability AppraisalA Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) has been prepared to consider the likely effects of the Draft Plan and reasonable alternatives.Final version of Sustainability Appraisal available above.
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening ReportPrepared to comply with Regulation 63 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended). The assessment considers whether a plan or project will lead to adverse effects on the integrity of European/habitats sites. The work will include a wintering bird survey which at the present time is ongoing and therefore not as yet fully completed.Click to download
Environmental Audit SurveyThis work provides a review of the existing landscape and ecology within the broad location of the Garden Community. A similar piece of work was carried out in 2015 and this latest study is an update to capture any relevant changes.
Note that further work is to be undertaken in relation to 'biodiversity net gain' and will be published in due course.
Click to download:
Low / Zero Carbon & Smart Energy AppraisalA study that considers how best to incorporate Low / Zero Carbon technologies as part of the approach to the site in a way that could maximise efficiency and reduce carbon.Click to download

Page last updated: 05 Mar 2024, 06:51 AM