We would like to share the following important updates with you...

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Primary Care Support England

GP Practice monthly update - January 2023


Dear Colleague,

Welcome to this month's PCSE GP Practice monthly update. We would like to share the following important updates with you:

Supply chain update - key sterile products

Residual global supply chain issues following Covid-19 and EU Exit affecting key sterile products remain. All PCSE supplies service are provided from NHS Supply Chain,  who continue to Demand Manage items on orders PCSE are currently placing.
We would like to assure you that as soon as stock levels of key sterile products are made available, we continue to work through all back orders as quickly as possible.
Please remember not to place any duplicate orders for items as these will be cancelled due to the limited stock availability.

We’ll be in touch, with those who can order supplies in PCSE online with an up-to-date list of the key sterile products currently affected.

Support for submitting End of Year certificates

We wanted to make you aware that if you are a member of the NHS Pension scheme and employed by NHS England, the 2021/22 Type 1 and Type 2 End of Year pensions certificates will be available to complete from Friday 27 January and you will have until Tuesday 28 February to submit them.

We're hosting a number of webinars to help GPs and non GP Partners complete their End of Year forms on PCSE Online. These sessions will cover how to submit Type 1 Annual Certificates and Type 2 Self Assessments, including a live Q&A opportunity on this subject. To read more and book on to a session, click here.

We have also created an easy-to-follow Type 1 and Type 2 Step by Step Guide to help you complete the end of year process successfully. You can find this guide here.

You can find key information in the guide including what happens if contributions have been under or over paid as a result of the Pension Scheme Member’s actual income being higher or lower than the practice stated on the 2021/22 estimate.
To find out more and other information about the End of Year process, please read our special bulletin here.

Alternative to GMS1 forms - Register with a GP surgery service
The Register with a GP surgery service provides all practices in England with an online option for their patients to register with them, helping reduce the administrative burden for general practice as well as making GP registration more accessible to the public.
This service is a paper-free, online alternative to using GMS1 forms.
For more information about the Register with a GP surgery service, click here to be taken to the NHS Digital website or email: england.register-gp-surgery.support@nhs.net.

Patient Registrations tips

Registering a gender reassignment
Patients may request to change gender on their patient record at any time and do not need to have undergone any form of gender reassignment treatment in order to do so.
It's important that practices are aware of the steps that need to be taken when a patient changes gender. Following the process will ensure continued patient care and ensure there isn’t an impact on your practice payments.
Click here for further information on the process for registering a gender reassignment.
If you need to submit a query regarding Adoption or Gender reassignment, please use our dedicated, secure Adoptions and Gender Reassignment online form here.

Patient removals/FP69 notification
When PCSE receives notification that a letter has been returned, indicating the addressee is no longer at the address, an FP69 flag is raised on the NHAIS system. This will update the patient’s record in the GP practice’s clinical system.
Practices need to check the address directly with the patient and update the address on the clinical system or send confirmation to PCSE that the current address is correct by sending an amendment through GP links.
Please note: if the letter is returned to us as ‘moved abroad’ or ‘deceased’ the appropriate action would be taken to deduct the patient from NHAIS.
If you have any further queries about Patient Removals, please see our FAQs here. If you cannot find the answer to your query you can email the PCSE Registrations team at pcse.registrations-preston@nhs.net

PCN Payment automation
PCSE Online has been processing Primary Care Network (PCN) payments since October 2022. This involves the system calculating PCN capitation payments, based on approved reference data. PCSE Online then makes payments to the PCN's nominated payee who disseminates the funds where appropriate between members within the PCN.
The introduction of this new project is complex, involving multiple organisations and standardising a multitude of processes.  To support this new way of working PCSE has been running 'Early Life Support' (ELS) forums with Commissioners since October. These forums involve ICBs working together with PCSE and NHSE to feedback on any issues and gain insight on system developments and fixes. We will carry on these sessions for the next few months and would like to thank ICBs for their continued support and system users for their patience.


Share your thoughts on our communications

We shared a survey with you in the December updates so we can find out how you feel about the way we communicate with you, for example:

  • Is an email bulletin the best way to share our messages?
  • Do you visit our YouTube channel?
  • Are our user guides helpful?
If you haven't already, please take part in our survey and share your views with the communications team so we can find out what's working and what needs improving.
We hope this update has been useful and thank you for your continued support.
Jennifer McKay-Jones
Managing Director for Health (Seconded)

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