Be one of the UK’s first Menstruation Friendly Employers

Menstruation at work

Why is it important?

Menstruation affects half the world’s population for a very significant part of their life.

Despite this, there is a stigma attached to talking openly about menstruation, especially at work  and over a third of women have experienced period shaming in the workplace.

Breaking the taboo about menstruation promotes gender equity and ensures that female colleagues feel supported and valued at work.

The business benefits can’t be ignored either: as engaged staff are more likely to be productive and have less time off work if supported.

It’s time for change. Being menstruation friendly is clearly the right thing for all employers to do.

But, it can be difficult for employers to know where to start.

Let us help.

The facts


say there’s a noticeable stigma around menstruation at work


struggle to carry out work in the way they’d like to due to their period


report absenteeism due to their period


have had to lie to their manager about the reason for sick days

1 in 3

Have experienced period shaming at work


By menstrual health conditions

For many, the menstrual cycle is more than just a monthly bleed. Over an average of 28 days, fluctuating hormones can cause symptoms that range from being inconvenient to debilitating.

Menstrual conditions cause disruptive physical and/or emotional symptoms before and during menstruation.

Your role as an employer is not to diagnose, prescribe or become an expert. It’s to support every member of your workforce making their wellbeing a priory and helping them to be the best that they can be at work.

This support is cost effective and often means making fairly small reasonable adjustments to working practices – often, knowing someone is willing to listen makes a big difference.

How many people experience menstrual health conditions?


(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) impacts how women’s ovaries work. It can cause irregular periods, weight gain, hair loss, excessive hair growth acne and an increased risk of diabetes and high cholesterol. 

women are impacted


These are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb, causing heavy periods, abdominal pain, lower back pain, urinary issues and gastrointestinal issues.



This causes tissue similar to the lining of the womb to grow in other places. For those impacted, it can cause severe pain in the abdomen and back, gastrointestinal issues and heavy periods.



(Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) can cause those impacted to experience physical and severe psychological symptoms in the run up to their period. Some even report suicidal feelings.

of women are impacted


Similarly to endometriosis, this causes womb-like tissue to grow in other places: specifically the muscular wall of the womb. It can cause pelvic pain, abdominal pain, bloating and heavy bleeding.


Low awareness – late diagnosis – huge impact to lives

“It took me 8 years to get diagnosed with Endometriosis.
I wish I got diagnosed earlier, I might have had a better chance of having children.”

How menstruation friendly is your organisation?

Download our FREE information Pack

Our helpful pack includes:

  • “How menstruation friendly is your organisation” checklist, helping you to understand what it means to be menstruation friendly and changes you may want to make
  • a business case and infographic to highlight the benefits to your organisation
  • how we can help: menstruation friendly accreditation, training and pricing.

By downloading this resource, you agree to join our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

How menstruation friendly is your organisation?

Download our FREE checklist

This will help you to understand what it means to be menstruation friendly, where you are today, and changes you might want to consider making.

By downloading this resource, you agree to join our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at anytime.



Much more than a tickbox, promise or pledge, achieving The Menstruation Friendly Accreditation demonstrates you are a great place to work for those who menstruate.

Menstruation Friendly workplace standards are defined and governed by the Independent Panel of experts. They review all applications for The Menstruation Friendly Accreditation and provide detailed feedback, whatever the outcome.

Start your journey by joining Menstruation Friendly membership. You’ll gain access to the Menstruation Friendly Standards and have access to apply for accreditation.

We have a range of membership options to suit your organisations: from light-touch support to full support that makes it easy for you to achieve the standards with genuinely helpful resources including a library of best-practice policies, monthly webinars, masterclasses, engagement toolkits and more.

5 steps to accreditation

Step 1: Commit to being menstruation friendly by joining menstruation friendly membership

We have a range of membership options to suit the needs of your organisation, based on your size and the level of support you require.

You’ll receive instant access to exclusive ready-made assets to share your commitment internally and externally, including; internal comms, posters, LinkedIn posts, email signatures and much more – plus display your logo on our site alongside other leading employers.

Step 2: Utilise genuinely helpful resources to support you in making change

Menstruation Friendly Membership provides access to the Menstruation Friendly Standards.

Review them and make use of your exclusive resources in your selected membership package including; monthly webinars on the accreditation pillars, specialist masterclasses, access to a library of best-practice policy and guidance documents, and ready-made engagement toolkits and much more.

Step 3: Apply for accreditation

When you’re ready, apply for accreditation

The Menstruation Friendly Independent panel governs the standards and reviews all applications. Regardless of the outcome, you’ll be provided with detailed feedback to support you.

Step 4: Celebrate your achievement

When you achieve The Menstruation Friendly Accreditation, you’ve a lot to be proud of. Display your badge with pride!

You’ll also enjoy discounted membership to support you in sustaining the change.

There’s lots of opportunity to celebrate along the journey too…

Step 5: Sustain change

Cultural change takes time and you’ll need to resubmit your application every three years to maintain your menstruation friendly accreditation.

Your discounted membership makes it easy for you to sustain change once you’re accredited. Enjoy ready-made communication toolkits to make it easy for you to keep the conversation about menstruation going on key events including International Women’s Day, Menstrual Hygiene Day.

Much more than a tickbox, promise or pledge

Gaining The Menstruation Friendly Accreditation demonstrates you’re a great place to work for those who menstruate.

MEnstruation friendly

Membership packages

Are you looking for light-touch support or full support on your menstruation friendly journey?

Every organisation is different. We offer two levels of membership to support you.


level 1

level 2

Display your logo on our site alongside leading employers



Committed to being Menstruation Friendly asset pack



Apply for The Menstruation Friendly Accreditation



Guidance + support

Access to The Menstruation Friendly standards



Step-by-step guidance and support



Monthly workshops on each accreditation pillar



Monthly specialist masterclasses



On-demand videos on key subjects



Case studies to support sharing of best practice




Ready-to-use engagement kits for events like Menstrual Hygiene Day, International Women’s Day and more



Sample surveys, communication plans and training plans



Access to our unique library of policies, guidance documents and more



Resources for your Menstruation Champions



Community + events

Invitation to special events



Invitation to educational events



Invitation to our private LinkedIn community



menstruation friendly

Membership pricing

Menstruation Friendly membership price varies by membership level, organisation size and type. We offer discounts for small organisations and dual membership with Menopause Friendly.

Discounted prices for small organisations , the NHS and public sector

It’s our mission for all employers to be menstruation friendly, so we offer discounted rates for small organisations, the NHS, charities and public sector.

When you achieve The Menstruation Friendly Accreditation, your membership fee will reduce by 50% or more

Making it easy for you to sustain change with regular  engagement toolkits, events and more to keep the conversation going and maintain your Menstruation Friendly employer status.

Discounts for dual membership

Hundreds of leading employers are working towards The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, the industry-recognised mark of excellence for menopause at work.

Support hormones through life in your workplace by committing to being menstruation friendly and menopause friendly.

You’ll receive discount of up to 25% by purchasing dual membership.

Already a Menopause Friendly member?

Please get in touch.

To say thank you for the amazing things you’re doing, we’re offering up to 50%  discount on Menstruation Friendly membership for existing Menopause Friendly members.

Valid until 31 December 2023.

Download membership pricing

Fill in your details to download Menstruation Friendly pricing instantly, as well as a checklist, business case and infographic.

By downloading this resource, you agree to join our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Discounted membership for the NHS, public sector, small organisations, charities and existing Menopause Friendly members


Workplace training

CPD-accredited training to suit the needs of your organisation: with digital, face-to-face and webinar options available.

Our expert team have worked with thousands of organisations to develop the right training plan for them. Please get in touch to talk through your requirements.

Training we offer…

eLearning and training videos

Educate your workforce anytime, anywhere.

Our expert CPD accredited eLearning is available LMS (Learning Management System) ready or on-demand by link. 

Our engaging Menstruation in Minutes video can be used on your intranet site or other internal comms channels to raise awareness of menstruation in under 5 minutes.

Colleague training

Open the conversation, build awareness and educate all colleagues within your organisation.

Manager training

Equip managers and leaders in menstruation facts, legal considerations and practical skills to have supportive conversations.

HR & occupation health training

Educate HR, Occupational Health and those that play a supportive role for health in the workplace in menstruation facts, their role, legalities and policy recommendations.

champion training

A 3-hour programme equipping champions to engage your workforce and build awareness of menstruation in the workplace.

advocate training

An in-depth 6-hour programme to equip advocates in your workforce to deliver training and run support groups.

expert masterclasses

Delivered by experts on specialist topics including PCOS, menstruation and neurodiversity and more.

Our workplace training is CPD Accredited

That means it’s professionally designed to create the right outcomes for your business and your teams.

huge benefits for

Your business and your teams

Attract talent

Boost productivity

Reduce absenteeism

Increase wellbeing

Boost gender equity

Reduce legal risk

Download the business case

Our FREE information pack includes a checklist, business case, infographic and Menstruation Friendly membership pricing.

be one of the uk’s first

Menstruation Friendly Employers

You don’t have to be an expert in menstruation to create a menstruation friendly workplace. Leave that to us.

Partner with the experts. Our CPD accredited menopause training is tried, tested and trusted by thousands of organisations. Hundreds of leading employers are committed to being Menopause Friendly Employers and a growing number are gaining accreditation. 

We’re changing the lived experience of those working through menopause. It’s time for change to ensure those experiencing menstruation or menstrual health disorders can continue to thrive at work.

Register by completing this form and a helpful team member will be in touch.

Complete this form to hear from our expert team

Partner with the experts

Providing menopause workplace services to thousands of leading employers, including…