Upcoming events

  1. Framed through a blue circular entrance, an adult and two children explore a colour circular chamber and you can see more similar chambers of different colours in the background with another family in the distance.

    Eye Music Trust: Colourscape

  2. Mark Thomas stands by a mic stand wearing a tracksuit top and gesturing with his fists.

    Mark Thomas: Gaffa Tapes - Warm Up

  3. A woman with dark hair rests her chin on her fist.

    Rosie Holt: That's Politainment!


Cinema highlights

  1. Two Senegalese teenagers wearing bobble hats and wearing backpacks sit on a bench, looking off to the left.

    Io Capitano

  2. A young man and a young woman in gym clothes sit at a table facing each other. The woman on the right (Zendaya) is gesturing with her fork.


  3. Cynthia Errivo stands on a street in Greece, wearing a blue t-shirt and a tan handbag. A family stands in the background eating ice cream.



Creative courses

  1. A person is cutting fabric, with drawn outlines on it. There is measuring tape, thread and a sewing machine to the sides.

    Sew a Summer Skirt

  2. Introduction to Poetry and Poetic Writing

  3. Introduction to Improv Weekend Intensive