Healthwatch Norfolk is collecting feedback about information and support available for Long Covid in Norfolk

There are different definitions of Long Covid or Post-Covid syndrome. We are interested in hearing from people who live in Norfolk and have experienced symptoms in the last 12 months.

We want to find out what patients would like Long Covid services to look like and why people may not have accessed services which are currently available. We are interested in hearing from people who both have and have not been diagnosed or accessed services for Long/Post Covid.

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous.  

We will also analyse all the responses we get and compile a report which will make recommendations to those providing Long Covid support. It will be also be published online for anyone to read.

How do you tell us your Long Covid experiences?

Complete the short survey here 

Or you can scan the QR code below 

You can find out more about the study by watching the video below