Leeds Cookery School: Live cooking session
Thank you for registering your interest in the live cooking session, once we have your information we will follow up with recipe information and the Zoom link for the session.

We need some personal information to sign you up to the session, we require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service. By completing this form you are consenting to Leeds Cookery school contacting you with further information.

Please refer to our privacy policy for more information www.leedscookeryschool.org.uk/privacy-policy/ 
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Email *
Name *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Contact number *
Email *
Ethnicity *
What is you current occupation? *
Your GP practice *
How did you hear about us? *
Are you happy for us to contact you? *
How would you prefer to be contacted? *
Do you require any translation? *
Are you or a partner pregnant?
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Are you currently breastfeeding?
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Do you require the support of a carer?
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Do you have a disability?
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Do you have any physical health problems?
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Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder?
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Would you describe yourself as having mental health problems?
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Do you have a pacemaker?
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Do you have any food allergies? *
Do you have any dietary requirements? *
If you answered yes to having any dietary requirements or food allergies, please tell us what they are here.
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