Early Interaction Project: Parent/Carer Survey

Dear parents and carers,

We are running a project in Hackney which aims to bring the language skills of 0–5-year-olds in line with the national average. To help us to do this, we are asking for your feedback about the support available for your child’s language development via local services. Thank you for taking the time to complete this 10-minute survey; the feedback you provide will support areas of focus for the project and help us to make improvements which reflect the views of the local community. Your responses will be anonymous

Please note that the prize draw for this survey has now closed. However, the survey remains open so that parents and carers are still able to provide their views. Responses to this survey are still being monitored regularly. 

You can translate this survey by opening in Google Chrome, navigating to "settings" and choosing "translate to". You can then select your preferred language. 

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Supporting your child's language development

The following questions explore what support is available to you as a parent in supporting your child's language development. 

1. How easy is it to access advice on how you can support your child’s language to develop (1 being not easy, 10 being very easy)?

Not easy
Very easy
Clear selection
2. Please give reasons for your response to the previous question. 

3. If you were feeling worried about your child’s language development, who/where would you go to for advice? Please tick all that apply. 

4. If you selected "other" or "online" to the previous question, please specify where you would find this information below (e.g. specific websites). 
5. How easy is it to find information on children's early language milestones (where your child should be with their talking for their age)? 1 being not easy, 10 being very easy.
Not easy
Very easy
Clear selection
6. Please give reasons for your response to the previous question. 
7. Where would you go to find out more about children’s early language development? Please tick all that apply. 
8. Please provide further information regarding where you would access this information (e.g. specific websites or books, workshops you attend). 

9. What else, if anything, could be offered to you as a parent that would support you to feel confident in helping your child’s language development? 

Children's Centres

The following questions explore your experience of accessing activities at local children's centres for your child. 

10. Do you currently access children’s centre activities with your child (e.g. stay and play, drop-ins, music groups)?

Clear selection

11. How often in the past month have you been to a children’s centre? (Choose the option that best describes frequency of visits)

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12. If you’re not accessing children’s centre activities at the moment, what is the reason for this? 

Clear selection
13.  Where did you first hear about your local children’s centres?

14. What other activities or services for your child would you like the children’s centre to offer, if any? 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you would like to be entered into the prize draw to win a £20 Sainsburys voucher, please provide your email address below so that we can contact you if you win. Your responses will remain confidential. 

We are also looking to form a parent steering group, which can give feedback and suggestions to improve the information and local opportunities for parents to support their child’s language development. Those who would like to be involved will receive a £20 voucher at each meeting, as a thank you for your input!

By being involved, you can have a direct impact on the support available to parents in supporting their child’s language development, and help to improve early language outcomes for all children in the local area.

If you would like to be involved in these, please provide your email address below. We will be in touch with further information on how you can be involved as the project develops.

You can remove your email from our mailing list at any time by contacting us on huh-tr.earlyinteractionproject@nhs.net. 

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