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Self-service smartcard unlock

An application that allows clinicians and other staff to unlock their own smartcards, without having to register or contact their Registration Authority.

Use self-service smartcard unlock

Who can use this application?

A smartcard holder can use this application if:

  • they have a locked smartcard, or they've forgotten their passcode or want to change it
  • they have an email address (on the email domain allow list) associated with their Care Identity profile
  • they have access to that email account
  • their smartcard certificates have not expired

If a smartcard holder does not have a valid email address on their profile, or they cannot access their email, they will need to contact their Registration Authority (smartcard team) to unlock their smartcard.

Registration Authorities can add an email address to a user with a locked smartcard, allowing an already locked smartcard to be unlocked remotely.

A user will also have to contact their Registration Authority if their smartcard certificates have expired.


If a workstation or network is not configured correctly, the application may return an error. Examples include:

  • 'Error: ERR1009: Failed to obtain SOPIN for user'
  • ‘Error: PR Service returned with a following exception code PR20002 and message Port redirection service is unavailable'

If you see an error like this or a blank page, go to our self-service unlock troubleshooting page.

To report a different bug or issue, go to the NHS Digital Customer Portal or email [email protected]

Benefits of the application

Smartcard holders are automatically enrolled in the new application if they have a valid email address on their Care Identity profile. 

This application was launched in September 2023. It replaced a service that users previously had to register for, which added an administrative burden to both smartcard users and Registration Authorities, costing the NHS money.

Users no longer need to:

  • set up and remember the answers to a series of security questions
  • take their smartcard to a Registration Authority in person to unlock it
  • be on the HSCN network - the application works with a standard internet connection

Benefits to the NHS

If everyone who is eligible to use the application did so, it would save the NHS more than 16,000 working hours per month.

Between 50,000 and 60,000 smartcards are unlocked in person by Registration Authorities every month, and it takes on average 20 minutes of NHS time to unlock a smartcard in person.

Guidance for Registration Authorities

Tell new smartcard holders about the application

When you issue someone a new smartcard, you should provide them with this address:

Typing this address into any Chrome or Edge browser will allow them to access the application immediately.

Adding an email address to their Care Identity profile

If the user does not have a valid email address on their profile they will not be able to use the application. You can save them and yourself time by using Care Identity Management to add their email address.

The email you add must be on the email domain allow list.

Guidance for IT teams

Some users may have the old self-unlock service bookmarked. It is helpful if IT teams set up a local redirect from the old service to the new application.

Redirect from

Redirect to

Guidance for smartcard users

Make sure you have an email address associated with your Care Identity profile

Locked smartcards cost the NHS around 10,000 hours of time per month. By adding your email address to your Care Identity profile you can unlock your smartcard remotely and contribute to time saved.

You can only check or add an email address if your smartcard is currently unlocked.

To check or add your address:

  • Go to the Spine portal and select the Care Identity Service application
  • Under the 'Quick links' menu select 'My profile'.
  • Under the 'Contact details' section select 'Modify contact details'.
  • Enter your email address followed and select 'Update contact'.

The email address you add must be on the approved email domains list.

If your smartcard is locked and you have an email address on your profile

Use self-service smartcard unlock now.

If your smartcard is locked but you do not have an email address on your profile

You will not be able to use the application. This is because we need to send a security code to a valid email address so you can unlock your card.

You will need to ask your Registration Authority (smartcard team) to unlock the smartcard for you. Read more on how to find your Registration Authority.

If your smartcard certificates have expired

You cannot use self-service smartcard unlock. You will need to contact your Registration Authority to have the card renewed.

Last edited: 30 January 2024 4:00 pm