Snippets WBB Free COVID-19 NHS Advice Bot

Created by Stuart Clark last modified
<!-- Add the following code snippet to the bottom of your <body> element -->

<!-- If you already use font awesome you may not need the line below -->
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
  new WBBChatPlugin({
    pluginHost: '',
    fullScreen: false,
    // The min pixel width at which the popup should be used as apposed to full screen mode
    minPopupWidth: 600,
    // How long before the user is prompted to chat in ms
    promptDelay: 2000,
    // Client icon
    clientIcon: true,
    // Primary colour
    primaryColour: '00b8ff',
    // Secondary colour
    secondaryColour: '435061',
    // Prevent the user from sending input other that clicking buttons
    hideInput: true,
    client: 'wbb-covid-19',

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