Association of Energy Engineers

AEE ESOS Register


AEE register of ESOS qualified Lead Energy Assessors


This register shows the details of Certified Energy Managers International (CEM-I) and Certified Energy Auditors International (CEA-I) who are available to act as Lead Assessors under the UK Government's Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).


This register is held by the international certification registers of the Association of Energy Engineers. Enquirers must make their own enquiries to establish the professional suitability of potential assessors and use this register only for the purpose of confirming that an individual is available and entitled to act in the capacity of a Lead Assessor (LA). This register must not be used to infer the suitability of anyone’s qualifications or experience.


Eligibility can be checked by reference to the master register held by the AEE, Atlanta GA. Please go to the query form, set the country and search for 'CEMI' or 'CEAI' certification types.



Summary of ESOS


ESOS Regulations