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Home Truths 2

HT2 logo, large RGB

CEOs/senior leaders already active on race equity practice: find out more about ‘Further, Faster’ – apply by 20 May 2024 

To all in civil society: get new insights and ideas from our  online, race equity learning series

Home Truths 2 is a programme of work from ACEVO and Voice4Change England designed to challenge and support mainstream UK civil society to take serious practical action on anti-racism and race equity.

Over the course of the next 18 months, Home Truths 2 will engage stakeholders from across civil society, including senior leaders, staff and those working within and alongside civil society organisations in a targeted practical programme of activity. Home Truths 2 will offer practical resources and guidance to mainstream civil society in general. The work includes approaches to calculating and remedying ethnic pay disparities, integrating race equity into the core mission and bringing senior leaders together to drive forward their anti-racist and race equity practice.

The elements of the programme will contribute to converting the positive words from mainstream civil society on anti-racism and race equity into practical and powerful change.

Home Truths – a legacy

On its release in June 2020, the Home Truths report had a stark message: that civil society did not simply have a diversity problem; it had a racism problem .

Landing shortly after the murder of George Floyd and an upsurge in the Black Lives Matters movement, civil society sat up and took notice of the findings.

But attention is not the same as action. Though some civil society leaders and organisations have moved decisively forward, as a sector there is so much more to be done. For that reason, the Home Truths team has reassembled to advance solutions.

How you can get involved

If you work in or with a civil society organisation in functions such as comms, finance, HR, EDI and you are a senior manager or a board member

Register now to find out more about our Race Equity Series of online discussion sessions to be launched soon


If you are a chief executive/ senior leader already in ‘flow’ and active on anti-racism and race equity practice within your organisation

Find out more about applying to participate in  the ‘Further, Faster’ cohort programme for senior leaders to take action in achieving race equity within their organisation. Apply by 20 May 2024.                          


Warm Words, Cold Comfort

This report on the Home Truths 2 survey is the first major output of the Home Truths 2 programme. The insights and experiences of Black and Minoritised Ethnic people in the survey will guide the programme’s work to build a sector that takes meaningful action on anti-racism and race equity.

Overall, the survey offers glimpses of what an anti-racist future for mainstream civil society might look like. There are some signs that organisations are recentring themselves against the idea of racism but that this positioning is not reflected in practical steps. This means that the lived reality for most survey respondents is of mainstream civil society as a site of racism, not anti-racism.

Further resources

We have created a showcase page on LinkedIn dedicated to publishing updates from the programme.

Follow and share it with your networks and help us amplify Home Truths 2 reach!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Answers to the frequently asked questions about this programme, and glossary of key terms commonly used in this space.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

The guides, tools and templates shared here can also be used to improve the way organisations deliver their services and serve the communities they exist to support. Over time this section will be populated with outputs from the Home Truths 2 programme, including blogs, guides addressing specific areas of race equity and reflection pieces.                                                                                                                 

We look at the kind of action that is already being taken by some charities to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces.                                                                                                                                                                                               

The Home Truths report was launched in June 2020. In this report, we have sought to reframe the ‘diversity’ debate, saying that racism is a significant and unresolved issue in the charity sector just as it is in the rest of society.

All blogs related to the Home Truths 2 programme.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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