Partnership allocates further £2.8 million to support the vital work of voluntary, community and hospice care in West Yorkshire

Posted on: 5 May 2023

NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WY ICB) has agreed further funding of £1.8 million for charity led hospices across West Yorkshire and £1million of additional support for its local voluntary, Rob Webster, Cathy Elliott and Kim, and social enterprise (VCSE) partners – which will focus on helping sustainability and tackling health inequalities. The WY ICB has done this through the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP). 

Following the WY ICB’s focus on the future sustainability of the VCSE sector at its last Board meeting in public on 21 March 2023, the funding will be shared across West Yorkshire as part of the Partnership’s Harnessing the Power of Communities Programme and the West Yorkshire Hospice Collaborative.

The WY HCP has a memorandum of understanding with the sector, backed by investment and strong ties into the way the Partnership operates. The additional funding further supports the sector over and above the range of service provision and grant funding arrangements that are in our five Places (Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield District). 

Rob Webster CBE, CEO for WY ICB and CEO Lead for WY HCP said: ‘The VCSE is an essential part of our partnership, offering early help, providing critical health and care services, quality end of life care, support for adults, children, as well as thousands of carers, who look after loved ones and friends 24/7. Without the support of the 14,000 organisations in West Yorkshire, the ambitions of our partnership, to keep people safe, happy, and well, would not be possible’.

Kim Shutler, CEO for the Cellar Trust – a mental health and wellbeing charity based in Bradford who is also Senior Responsible Officer for the Partnership’s Harnessing the Power of Communities Programme said: ‘Our sector faces significant challenges of sustainability and workforce recruitment. To deliver care and support there are several actions which need to be taken. Identifying immediate funding is essential if we are to make a sustainable difference to the lives of people living in our local communities. This additional funding is a welcome announcement. It also demonstrates that the Partnership is listening to the concerns we collectively face’.

Michael Crowther, CEO at Kirklees Adult Hospice Provider in Huddersfield, and who is part of the West Yorkshire Hospice Collaborative said: ‘These additional investments are much needed and welcomed. We need to ensure we do all we can together to give people the very best care possible when they need support at the end of their life. We can only do this with the support of financial help and the recognition of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, that the work of colleagues is valued’.

Cathy Elliott, Chair of NHS WY ICB, said: ‘The VCSE sector employs around 43,100 full time equivalent posts which makes up 3.7% of employment across the area. On top of this, there are an estimated 147,000 regular volunteers giving their time and energy to help local people to live their best life possible, around the clock, 365 days per year. The sector is very much a part of our Partnership, and I’m delighted that this additional funding has been supported by our Board’.

‘West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) and the area’s VCSE leadership signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in July 2022. This cemented the role of the sector as an equal partner at all levels in health and care, and the ICB is working with VCSE leaders on related plans for the sector’s future sustainability,’ added Cathy.

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