Tackling health inequalities – ensuring everyone is treated equally no matter of background and circumstances - continues to be a major priority for our Trust as it is nationally.

And our Community division have strengthened our efforts by developing a “waiting tool” to ensure CHFT continues to be at the forefront of this initiative.

Amanda Furness, pictured with husband Adam, our community information officer, developed the waiting list tool in KP+ which compares the average waits for patients in the most deprived areas with those in the and least deprived areas.

It also compares average waits for BAME patients with waits for other groups. It also pulls though learning disability flags from Cerner and Systmone making identification and wait time monitoring for our most vulnerable patients so much easier.

Deputy Chief Executive, Rob Aitchison, said:“This is another great example of colleagues combining data and service knowledge to understand and respond to the impact health inequalities can have on our population.  This includes how and when our patients and population are able to access care. 

"During my short time in the Trust I’ve already seen lots of great examples like this.  I’m really looking forward to seeing this approach continue to develop in the coming months - well done to Amanda, Nicola and the team for leading this work.”