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0300 1234 148

Victims First

Opening hours

Monday and Wednesday - 9am to 5pm

Tuesday and Thursday - 9am to 7pm

Friday - 9am to 4.30pm

Contact us for free support 0300 1234 148

Who we are

Victims First provides free emotional and practical support to victims and witnesses of crime, as well as family members of victims, living in the Thames Valley. 

Victims First is dedicated to making sure that all victims and witnesses receive the support they need to cope with the impact of crime and build resilience. We care about those affected by crime and work continuously to improve services and support for victims.

who we are image

How we can help

We have a number of specialist services which include help for victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse. We may refer you to one of our specialist services depending on your needs. The type of assistance available includes:

  • Telephone support
  • Face to face support
  • Advocacy (including help to access other services such as sexual health clinics, drug and alcohol services and legal services)
  • Support through the criminal justice system (if you have reported the crime to the police)
  • Therapeutic counselling

Victims' Code;
understand the support you can expect

Being a victim of crime can be distressing. Whoever you are and whatever crime you have experienced, the Victims' Code explains the rights that you can expect to receive as a victim of crime.