Make Alcohol No Longer An Issue

Hi, I’m Lindsay and I’m so glad you’re here.

I teach ambitious women how to make alcohol no longer an issue, reclaim their confidence and be the most relaxed woman in the room.

Have you been thinking about your drinking lately?

Seeing or hearing the term “gray area drinker” and wondering if you are one?

Here’s what gray area drinking is:

  • Sick and tired of always being sick and tired.

  • Wrapping up the work day and heading straight for that beloved alcoholic beverage that is like a warm blanket to wind down with.

  • Uncomfortable in social situations without an alcoholic beverage in hand.

  • Worried you don’t or won’t have access to alcohol.

  • Can’t seem to get more than a day or 2 under your belt with no alcohol.

  • Tired of waking up at 3 am with a headache, reaching for a glass of water and then tossing and turning until the alarm goes off.

  • Creating rules around drinking and then breaking them.

  • Secretly worried about your drinking.

  • Wake up with regret and shame because of drinking too much and not remembering everything that may or may not have happened

This was 100% me, and in 2018 I began exploring what living alcohol free could mean for me. It took me almost 2 years and many attempts at ditching alcohol for good and now I am committed to helping women get out of the cycle of gray area drinking and live the life they dream about.

If you’re looking to make alcohol no longer an issue, wake up each day full of energy and feeling your best… you’re in the right place.

You’re ready to be the one who:

  • Gets the raise

  • Elevates to a new standard

  • Is present for the ones she loves

  • Reignites the spark in her relationships

  • Feels amazing in her body

  • Is the one people respect, admire, and emulate

How It Works:

The Right System

Learn the EXACT steps to take to make alcohol no longer an issue. You’ll be CONFIDENT and the most RELAXED woman in the room.

The Right Support

Learn how to overcome the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. You’ll finally be able to take control of Wine O’clock for good.

The Right Tools

Learn how to overcome the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. You’ll finally be able to take control of Wine O’clock for good.

What women say about working with me…

“I feel so grateful for you, when I needed it the most. It was just something about you that got me to take the step out in the unknown. I'm sober, I’m happy, have more energy and hope for the future!”


“I am 4.5 months alcohol free. I have been going out with my girlfriends after work and I’m SO relieved I can do that and not drink. They’ve even joined me with mocktails! I feel freedom, energy, and will never go back to drinking. I don’t miss my workouts anymore and I am literally popping out of bed in the morning. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I learned SO much working with Lindsay, and now I feel ready to be on my own!”

— Crystal

“I have learned so many new tools for my sobriety tool kit from Lindsay. During our 1:1 Lindsay challenged me to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. She also gave me tactical ways to stick to my break from alcohol which I implemented right away. I did the 21 Day Private Retreat, and not only did I complete it and feel great, but I am now 36 days in! I learned so much during the retreat I feel so good about continuing on. I am so grateful I connected with Lindsay, her programs have supported my journey and I feel closer to complete sobriety every day!”


My Guest Appearances on Podcasts:

(click on any image below to listen on spotify)

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I share daily support and motivation around going alcohol free - Follow me and let’s get to know each other!