Wolverhampton: 01902 444021
Sandwell: 0121 6126620
Walsall: 01922 607400
Dudley: 01384 324689
BCHFT 24/7 Mental Health Telephone Support Line: 0800 008 6516
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Helpful Apps

We have collated a list of helpful apps for your child/young person to access.

We hope you find these resources useful. We have found apps for managing low mood, stress, anxiety, thoughts of self harm, sleep and much more.


Wysa is a wellbeing AI app, free to download on Google and Apple Stores.

Wysa can help young people with feelings of low mood, stress, anxiety and much more.

Young people from the Black Country can download the app using the QR code below (for the area they live in)  for free premium access.

Some smartphones may automatically apply the premium access code (after the QR is scanned).

Below you will find a section for each locality, and the unique code to enter to access premium content for free. Please ensure you use the right code for where you live.

Dudley Wysa:

Scan the QR code below and enter the code BCDU2023 for free premium access

  • If you are accessing this site via your mobile click on the link below – this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app
  • If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

You can read about how Wysa can help young people from Dudley here: BC Wysa Teen E-Flyer Dudley

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play

Sandwell Wysa:

Scan the QR code below and enter the code BCSA2023 for free premium access

  • If you are accessing this site via your mobile click on the link below – this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app
  • If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

You can read about how Wysa can help young people from Sandwell here: BC Wysa Teen E-Flyer Sandwell

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play

Walsall Wysa:

Scan the QR code below and enter the code BCWA2023 for free premium access

  • If you are accessing this site via your mobile click on the link below – this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app
  • If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

You can read about how Wysa can help young people from Walsall here: BC Wysa Teen E-Flyer Walsall

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play

Wolverhampton Wysa:

Scan the QR code below and enter the code BCWO2023 for free premium access

  • If you are accessing this site via your mobile click on the link below– this will take you directly to the app store for your device to allow you to download the app
  • If you are accessing this site on a laptop or desktop, please scan the QR code with your phone to allow you to download the app from the relevant store.

You can read about how Wysa can help young people from Wolverhampton here: BC Wysa Teen E-Flyer Wolverhampton

Wysa Apple Store / Wysa Google Play


Kooth is free, anonymous, safe support available online for children and young people.

On the Kooth platform, children and young people have access to mini activities to help manage their wellbeing, confidential 1:1 support from the Kooth Team, access to an online journal, access to podcasts and much more.

Visit the Kooth website for more information, and to sign up.

Calm Harm

Calm Harm is designed to help people resist or manage the
urge to self-harm. The app is suitable for all ages.

Calm Harm (Apple Store)

Calm Harm (Google Play)


DistrACT helps users understand the warning signs, the types of support available, how to access support and useful ways to distract from self harm.

DistrACT (Apple Store)

DistrACT (Google Play)

Stay Alive

Stay Alive supports people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts. Stay Alive allows users to find help in a crisis, to create a safety plan and to create an image bank to help positive thoughts.

Stay Alive (Apple Store)

Stay Alive (Google Play)


Mindshift is a CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) based app, using evidence based techniques to help users manage anxiety, stress and panic.

Mindshift (Apple Store)

Mindshift (Google Play)


Calm offers personalised content to help you to manage stress, anxiety and sleep difficulties. Calm helps to build resilience and to live more in the moment.

Calm (Apple Store)

Calm (Google Play)

SAM (Self Help for the Mind)

SAM is a self help app available for children and young people, to help manage feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness. SAM offers a range of self help tools and techniques.

SAM (Apple Store)

SAM (Google Play)


Digipill is a self help app, helping users with sleep problems, stress, anxiety and confidence.

Digipill (Apple Store)

Digipill (Google Play)


Hundreds of themed sessions on everything from stress and sleep to focus and anxiety. Meditations designed for children and young people.

Headspace (Apple Store)

Headspace (Google Play)

Worry Tree

Worry Tree is an online journal app to help users manage worry, transform thoughts, and to feel better.

Worry Tree (Apple Store)

Worry Tree (Google Play)

Clear Fear

Clear Fear is an app designed collaboratively with children and young people. Clear Fear helps users to challenge anxious thoughts, create a support network, to work through mindfulness activities and to monitor anxiety levels.

Clear Fear (Apple Store)

Clear Fear (Google Play)


FearTools is a CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) based app, helping people to manage anxiety. The app helps users with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Panic and Social Anxiety through thought diaries, helpful videos, relaxation techniques and more.

FearTools (Apple Store)

FearTools (Google Play)


WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is an app designed to help reframe troublesome thoughts, to set goals and to help build a network of support/resources.

WRAP (Apple Store)

WRAP (Google Play)

Bright Sky

Bright Sky is an app designed for anyone who is concerned about themselves, or others in an abusive relationship/situation. Bright Sky provides help and support, and is available in multiple languages.

Bright Sky (Apple Store)

Bright Sky (Google Play)

Cove – Music for Mental Health

Cove allows users to journal and create music to help feelings of anxiety and panic.

Cove (Apple Store)

Chill Panda

Chill Panda is a free app, in the form of a game where children and young people can access breathing exercises and meditation to help with feelings of stress and anxiety.

Chill Panda (Apple Store)

Chill Panda (Google Play)

Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind offers relaxation and meditation activities for users aged 4 years+. Smiling Mind helps users to build confidence and helps with sleep problems.

Smiling Mind (Apple Store)

Smiling Mind (Google Play)


Sleepful is an app to help users with sleep problems/insomnia. Users are able to track sleep, understand more about the sleep cycle and to build routines to promote good, healthy sleep patterns.

Sleepful (Apple Store)

Sleepful (Google Play)


Pzizz is an app helping users with sleep problems/insomnia. Pzizz offers calming music and sound effects to help users fall asleep easier. The dreamscapes and soothing music modules can be used by children and young people aged 4 years +

Pzizz (Apple Store)

Pzizz (Google Play)

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